Tag Archive | Life


Wish I could see you

But you’re never seen

Wish I could touch you

But the answer is still the same

Wish I could smell you

But you’re hidden

Somewhere unknown

Maybe inside the heart

I don’t know

What I know is

You can only be felt

Because you’re invisible

To define you

Is a mystery

Just like life

But you’re still better

Because you’re eternal

And life is ephemeral

When you enter the heart of a man

You give birth to more invisible children

Compassion, Passion

Empathy, Honesty

Tolerance, Endurance

Courage and Hope

And because of you

Man is whole

For without you

Life is useless

-MOAB © 2015


success conceptOne of the things I fear most in life is change. Because it always comes in two possible ways—positive and negative. This always scares me because change is constant and one of the two will surely happen.

Oftentimes I hear husbands say, “Their wives have changed,” and I hear wives say, “Their husbands have changed.” They never expected them to change. It’s a mistake not to accept that change won’t come in one of these two ways. We’re all going to change. Either from negative to positive or from positive to negative.

And this is why I’m afraid. I’m afraid that I might change from positive to negative while hopeful that I might change from negative to positive. In order to achieve positive change, one needs to struggle and wrestle with oneself and other distractions. This is hard work. It doesn’t come easily. It’s everyday thing. The same way negative change is an everyday thing.

Change is a process. It’s scary. And it’s part of us. We won’t grow without change. So if you want positive change in your life, then be ready to pay the price which is—hard-work, consistency, patience, perseverance, and determination.

-MOAB © 2015

Be Human

imagesI hate it when people pretend to be strong, when they pretend to be perfect, when they pretend that they don’t love or hate something, and when they pretend that they don’t need other people. This is crazy! These people end up being depressed and clueless about their purpose in life.

What does it take to be human? To be human is to be vulnerable. To be human is to have empathy for others. To be human is to accept failure and defeat. To be human is to share your struggles and stories with others. To be human is to acknowledge that we’re all equal, that we all have fears, passions, desires, virtues and vices in us.

I don’t care whatever you possess as a human being, just be human. And in spite of all this, to be human is to accept who you are and struggle to become a better person. Be human, folks!
-MOAB © 2015

Create Your Own Motto

Photo Credit: Krissy Venosdale (flickr.com)

Photo Credit: Krissy Venosdale (flickr.com)

There’s something that kicks my butt to work, to create enchanting stuff, and to become awesome. What’s it exactly? It’s my motto. My belief and my worldview.

When it comes to ideas, my motto is START and FINISH. When it comes to hardship, my motto is PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE. When it comes to helping others, my motto is EMPATHY and GENEROSITY. When it comes to connection, my motto is INITIATE and ASK. When it comes to dealing with people, my motto is TOLERANCE and LISTENING.

So, what’s your motto? If you don’t have one, it’s time to create your own motto. Your motto will push you forward and help you to be more determined than ever.

-MOAB © 2015

Take Care of Yourself First

I wonder why people think this is selfishness. I had thought the same too for a while but I was wrong. I came to this realization after a lot of travel on the airplane. Every time I listen to the pre-flight safety instruction, my reaction is always the same (fear, anxiety and whatnot). But there’s something that got me thinking in the flight attendant’s instruction which is—put on your oxygen mask first before you help others (kids).

I kept asking myself, “why?”  In my last travel, I came up with a succinct answer. Because if you run out of oxygen, you won’t be able to help others with their oxygen mask. This literally means that you can’t give what you don’t have.

This principle applies to our daily lives not only on airplanes. If you don’t take care of yourself very well, you won’t have the strength to take care of others. I’m not saying that you should lose empathy and be totally selfish, but my point is you can’t make a difference if you’re not changing yourself. When you’re alright, there are chances that others will be, too.

Don’t ignore yourself when you need help yourself.  Just take care of yourself first. If you do this with the hope of helping others, then you’ll go places (make a difference and create change).

–MOAB © 2015

Don’t Be a waste

Each and every time I think about life and its purpose, I get more scared than ever. Scary thoughts encapsulated my mind and I’m forced to ask myself some brutal, honest questions. Who will miss me when I’m gone? Who will benefit from my ephemeral existence on earth? Am I living life according to its purpose? Am I doing the right thing, the right way? Am I happy with myself? Am I doing what I love? Am I fulfilling my purpose on earth?

life-isSome days ago, I was thinking if on getting home one day and the whole eleven story building had collapsed and burnt, what am I going to do? I have all important documents inside my room; will all be gone just like that? Yes, I know this is just an evil thought but it can happen, anytime. There’s no guarantee that it can’t happen. After that evil thought, I said, “after all, there’s life.” I should be thankful for that. Even if there’s life but all the certificates and documents that one had strived for will just go in a minute. I thought if that will be my case, then I’m not doing enough. The certificates will be gone, the awards you receive will be gone but the influence and difference you make in someone’s life will remain forever even after your death.

You see, we fail to ask ourselves these questions and we end up leaving this world empty. Just a bunch of waste. I don’t want that for myself. What will you do today to make a difference? You have what it takes to make it happen. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Your accolades will not change people but your influence will. Don’t be a waste, my friend. Start something and make a difference.

–MOAB © 2015

What Will You Make of This Moment?

 “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.”  –Eckhart Tolle

It’s true that this present moment will be gone and never come back again. That today will be gone and tomorrow will eventually become another today. But one day, everything will be gone and there’ll be no day left. The point here is not the continuation of days or the end of it, but what one has achieved or done in those days, those free present moments.

This is a hard lesson for me, because I’ve been stalling, getting stuck, and giving myself excuses that are not valid. I get stuck every time because I think there’s another day to do the work. There’s no abundant time at all. All I ever have is this present moment to do something that matters, to do good deeds, and make a difference in people’s lives. There’s no other time to start other than this present moment. If you think you’ll have this moment tomorrow, you’re kidding yourself.

So, stop stalling and start doing something right now. It doesn’t have to be something big as sometimes we get stuck thinking we have to do big things to make a difference, and we end up doing nothing at all. I know, for example, that I should be writing books, not updating Facebook status. I know, of course, that I should write more guest post and not reading more blogs. I get delight in thinking that there’s enough time, that there’s tomorrow, which has got me nowhere.  Not anymore.

You and I need to do things with urgency of this present moment. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter. Do it now or never. This present moment will never come again, take advantage of it. What’ll you do or make of this present moment?

-MOAB © 2014

Ignore Everybody: The Battle To Success

“The No. 1 reason people fail in life is because they listen to their friends, family, and neighbors…” –Napoleon Hill

Photo Credit: Mike Chaput

Photo Credit: Mike Chaput

Let’s face it: it’s difficult to ignore everybody. If that is even possible to do. We’re surrounded by people every day and we can’t escape from them. But that’s not my point here. My point is, most times we let the talk of people especially our loved ones to chase us away from our dreams and passions. To our friends, family, and neighbors, we’re always like the twelve years old kid they knew before so they try to talk us away from our dreams and persuade us that we’re doing the wrong thing. After all, they knew our childhood.

Don’t get me wrong, our friends, family, and neighbors don’t hate us. For them, they’re trying to protect us. And the only mistake we could make is to listen to them. This is a sure-fire hindrance to one’s success. Take this as a battle that you’ve to fight for your dreams. Your dreams worth fighting for because your friends and family don’t understand your dreams. And that’s fine. The only thing you can do to succeed is to: Ignore them. Yes, ignore them. I don’t mean you should desert yourself from them. If you believe in your dreams, then ignore their talks, and focus on your dreams. If you fail,  try again, and focus. You’ll get there.


Until You Do, You’re Nothing

Photo Credit: MSGT Dale Atkins (flickr.com)

Photo Credit: MSGT Dale Atkins (flickr.com)

Just because you have the hairstyle doesn’t mean you can live the lifestyle.

Just because you talk about writing doesn’t mean you’re a writer.

Just because you preach the gospel doesn’t mean you’re pious.

Just because you talk about money doesn’t mean you’re rich.

Just because you talk about value doesn’t mean you’re valuable.

Just because you know the resources doesn’t mean you’re resourceful.

Just because you have a master’s degree doesn’t mean you’re a master.

Just because you speak eloquently doesn’t mean you’re smart.

Just because you’re tall doesn’t mean you’re courageous.

Just because you love reading books doesn’t mean you’re better than the person who can’t.

Until you act on what you have, you’re nothing.

So, start acting now. Go!

-MOAB © 2014


The “Don’t” Instructions

images (1)Growing up as a kid, I was bombarded with many “don’t” instructions:
Don’t answer any strangers.
Don’t stay outside for too long.
Don’t touch the T.V.
Don’t play a lot.
Don’t do this and that, and many other ridiculous don’ts.

I think all parents do this to their kids and of course, they have good intentions. They wanted to protect their kids from evil and also wanted them to behave well.

Sometimes these “don’t” instructions are mistakenly used as moral instructions. Yes, some of them are, but they’re two different things. The “don’t” instructions instill fear in kids not to dream, explore, and follow their guts and instincts. This is the number one reason why many people are still afraid to try, because they still have the “don’t” instructions boiling in their heads.

Now, you’re free to choose and you have the “can” instructions in your hands. You can do anything, dream, explore and follow your guts and instincts for the purpose of creating change. So, what are you waiting for? There are no more “don’t” instructions. Start something today, because you can.
-MOAB © 2014