Archive | May 12, 2015

The Root

You’re never seen

But firm in your hold

You’re ignored

Yet, you produce fruits every day

Both the good and the bad fruits

We walk past you

And never acknowledged you

We chase your fruits

Not knowing that you’re the source

Success is your fruits

Growth is your fruits

Courage is your fruits

Happiness is your fruits

We appreciate your fruits

When they favor us

Poverty is your fruits

Violence is your fruits

Hatred is your fruits

Sorrow is your fruits

We condemn your fruits

When they cause us distress

But we never acknowledged you as the source

And because we ignored you

We never found solution

To our problems

Your fruits are not the problems

But you

Until we go back to you

We will continue to chase your shadows

Because the solution to man’s problems

Lies in you

You’re the solution

Go find the root to your joy and predicament

And your life will never be the same again


-MOAB © 2015